- Last Updated: 18 July 2019
- Published: 03 June 2019
- Category: News
- Hits: 3389
As of June 16, 2019
Dear colleagues!
As you know, the XII Ukrainian Biochemical Congress will be held on September 30 – October 4, 2019 in Ternopil on the basis of I. Horbachevsky Ternopil National Medical University.
The most famous foreign and domestic scholars have been invited to speak at the Congress with plenary lectures and reports. The best Ukrainian scientists in the relevant sections of life sciences and medicine will attend the Congress, as well as our colleagues, in particular from the USA, Germany, the PRC, Sweden, Finland, Italy, Poland, Croatia, Hungary, Georgia, Turkey and other countries. The Congress preserves its historical name “biochemical”, but it has a multidisciplinary character and covers a much wider range of “life sciences”, including molecular, systemic and cell biology, biophysics, genomics, immunology, endocrinology, oncology etc.
The Organizing Committee makes every effort for the XII Ukrainian Biochemical Congress to be held at a high scientific and organizational level and become a major event in the scientific life of Ukraine.
It should be noted that TNMU authorities contributes to the Congress as much as possible.
Given the fact that the Congress will be held at I. Horbachevsky Ternopil National Medical University and will attract the attention of Ukrainian physicians, but mainly due to the rapid progress of modern biological and medical sciences and the broad use of the achievements of modern biology in experimental and clinical medicine, laying the foundations for personalized medicine, the organizers of Congress while planning its program paid significant attention to the actual problems of medical science. A short program in the form of a Congress scheme in time has already been posted on the site. A detailed program with the titles of the reports will be displayed on the site as soon as possible after receiving all the abstracts and coordinating the time of the speeches of the invited lecturers.
Dear colleagues!
Registration of abstracts has been completed, but registration of participation in the Congress continues until September 20, 2019.
We are grateful for your activity!
The registration for the participation in the Congress (without the publication of abstracts) will be held until September 20, 2019.
Particularly important is the participation in the Congress of young scientists who are our future. Therefore, the Organizing Committee of Congress requests the heads of scientific institutions of the National Academy of Sciences and the Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, other ministries and departments, and heads of higher educational institutions with a request to support the financial participation in the Congress of Young Scientists.
We remind you that the FEBS initiative will host an Education Workshop for scientists in the field of natural sciences and experimental medicine “Techniques And Efficient Roadmaps: New Opportunities for Practicals and Innovative Learning” with the participation of leading European lecturers - educators in the framework of the Congress. During the seminar, it is planned to cover such topics as: preparation of dissertations, writing of scientific articles and grants, distance learning, etc. Due to the fact that the Seminar is being held at the end of the Congress, interested persons who are not registered to participate in the Congress, but registration for participation in the Seminar is mandatory until September 20, 2019, at https://forms.gle/S9Cqcjw2qHUXZUoA9. Participation in the seminar is free of charge, and participants receive a certificate. The program of the educational workshop is available on the Congress website.
We also recommend that you take part in the Workshop “Innovative Medicine Do Not Exist Without Knowledge Transfer” by Dr. Sandor Warey (USA), Chair of the Association for Regional Co-operation in Health, Science and Technology (REOCOOP HST). The seminar is devoted to the implementation of the latest achievements of fundamental studies of the “life sciences” in medical practice. The seminar will be held before the start of the official part of Congress from 14:00 to 16:00 on September 3, 2019. Participation in the workshop is free and registration is not required.
We strongly encourage you to take part in these interesting and important workshops!
The Congressional Organizing Committee requests to place the Call for Papers №3 at the information stands of the scientific institutions of the National Academy of Sciences, the National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine, the Ukrainian Academy of Sciences, the higher educational institutions of Ukraine, the regional offices of the UBA and promote the dissemination of information about the XII Ukrainian Biochemical Congress among the scientific community.
Follow the news on the Congress website http://www.bioinfo.org.ua
Organizing Committee of the Congress