About UBS
- Last Updated: 18 July 2019
- Published: 14 March 2019
- Category: UBS information
- Hits: 3130
About UBS
UKRAINIAN BIOCHEMICAL SOCIETY is an All-Ukrainian voluntary, self-governing scientific and public organization of scientists, lecturers, postgraduates students, students and other biochemical specialists, created to meet the public interests of its members in the field of biochemistry, molecular biology, biotechnology and related fields of science, education, medicine , agriculture, food and light industry, etc. The main goal of the Society is the association of scientists for the development of biochemistry and related sciences, the protection of their professional interests, mutual coordination of research work and the exchange of experience between scientists.
The association was founded on the initiative of Academician O. V. Palladin in July 1928 as the Ukrainian Physiological Society. Subsequently, it was renamed into the Ukrainian Society of Physiologists, Biochemists and Pharmacologists, of which in 1959 formed three independent Ukrainian societies: physiological, biochemical and pharmacological. The permanent chairman (president) of the joint company, and since 1959 – the Ukrainian biochemical society during his lifetime was Academician O. V. Palladin After 1972, UBS presidents were: Academician R. V. Chahovets (1973-1976), Academician M. F. Hulyi (1976-1987), Academician V. K. Lishko (1987-1990). In 1990-1992, the duties of the president of the Ukrainian Biochemical Society were performed by Professor M. D. Kurskyi. In 1992-1999, UBS was headed by Academician D.O. Melnychuk, and since 1999 till now – Academician S. V. Komisarenko.
The governing bodies of the Society are: the Congress, the Central Council, the Presidium and the Audit Commission. The major event in the life of UBS is the Congress, which summarizes the activities of its members, certain laboratories, regional departments on fundamental and applied biochemical issues. The Congress examines the state of research and achievements of domestic biochemistry and determines the perspective directions of its development, sets the main tasks for the coming years. 11 Congresses have already been held by the Society: 1st – in 1965 in Chernivtsi, 2nd – in Kyiv (1971), 3rd – in Donetsk (1977), 4th – in Dnipropetrovsk (1982), 5th – in Ivano-Frankivsk (1987), 6th and 7th – in Kyiv (1992, 1997), 8th – in Chernivtsi (2002), 9th – in Kharkiv (2006), 10th – in Odessa (2010). The last, 11th Ukrainian Biochemical Congress was held in October 2014 in Kyiv.
Since 1994 UBS has been a member of the European Federation of Biochemical Associations (FEBS) and a member of the International (Worldwide) Union of Biochemists and Molecular Biologists (IUBMB). UBS has diverse experience in participating in international scientific forums and in conducting thematic international conferences, symposia, and seminars. According to the agreement between the Ukrainian and Polish biochemical partnerships, since 1996, bilateral Ukrainian-Polish Parnassian conferences on modern problems of biochemistry, cellular and molecular biology have been held, the first of which was held in 1996 in Lviv. Since 2011, the Israeli Biochemical Society, which held the Jerusalem (Israel) 9th Parnassian Conference in 2013 and the 10th Parnassian Conference was held in Wroclaw, Poland in 2016.
In 2018, the 11th Parnassian Conference – Forum of Young Scientists “Biochemistry and Molecular Biology for Innovative Medicine” was held in Kyiv. The conference was organized jointly by the Ukrainian Biochemical Society, the Polish Biochemical Society and the Society of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology of Israel with the support of the FEBS.
The basic institution of the Ukrainian Biochemical Society is O. V. Palladin Institute of Biochemistry of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, where permanent workshops are held:
- Scientific seminar on the actual issues of human and animal biochemistry –
scientific supervisor – Academician of NAS of Ukraine Kosterin S. O.;
- Lectures “Advanced Biology” at the University of Young Biochemists, rector of the University – Academician of NAS of Ukraine S. V. Komisarenko. Curator of the lectures –V. I. Nazarenko.
For any questions related to the activities of the Ukrainian Biochemical Society, please contact: 01030, Kyiv-30, Leontovych Street, 9, O. V. Palladin Institute of Biochemistry of the NAS of Ukraine, Scientific secretary of UBS, Prof. Matyshevska Olha Pavlivna (Assistant – Chernysh Iryna Yuriiivna, e-mail: ubs@biochem.kiev.ua, phone: + (380-44) 2353137)
Addreess: O. V. Palladin Institute of Biochemistry of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Leontovych Street 9, Kyiv, 01030, Ukraine,
E-mail: http://www.biochemistry.org.ua
Phone: +(380-44)2345974
Fax: +(380-44) 2796365
E-mail: secretar@biochem.kiev.ua