- Останнє оновлення: 25 вересня 2019
- Опубліковано: 04 червня 2019
- Категорія: FEBS Education Workshop
- Перегляди: 4679
Освітній семінар Федерації Європейських Біохімічних Товариств (FEBS) –
«Techniques and efficient roadmaps: new options for practicals and innovative learning»
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Techniques and efficient roadmaps: new options for practicals and innovative learning
October 3-4th, 2019
- Horbachevsky Ternopil National Medical University, Ternopil, Ukraine
Hosts: Workshop Coordinator & Co-chair: Workshop Co-chair: Educator Team: |
I. Horbachevsky Ternopil National Medical University & Ukrainian Biochemical Society Tatiana Borisova (Ukraine) Ferhan Sagin (Turkey) (FEBS Education Committee Chair) Keith Elliott (UK), Gül Güner Akdogan (Turkey), Angel Herraez (Spain), Jerka Dumic (Croatia), Beata Vertessy (Hungary), Ferhan Sagin (Turkey) |
Oct. 3rd, 2019 - Thursday
17:00-17:05 |
Welcome Addresses |
Serhiy Komisarenko |
17:05-17:20 |
Introduction to the FEBS Education Committee and the Workshop |
Ferhan Sagin |
Session 1 Key Knowledge and Skills for Molecular Life Sciences
Chairs: ……….
Skills and Key Knowledge for the Molecular Life Sciences Degrees |
Keith Elliott |
17:40–18:00 18:00-18:15 |
Transferable Skills and Biochemistry Education for the Needs of Industry “Education Program in Biochemistry: Towards Time Requirements” |
Jerka Dumic Lushchak |
18:15-18:45 |
Meet the Expert (Participants will choose 1 group of 30 min.) |
Skills and Key Knowledge Keith Elliott |
Transferable Skills & Needs of Industry Jerka Dumic |
October 4th, 2019- Friday
Session 2 Innovative Strategies in Education
Chairs: ……..
8:30-9:00 |
Team Based Learning |
Ferhan Sagin |
9:00-9:30 9:30-9:45 |
Incorporating e-Resources into Teaching and Learning Wikiskripta, A Collaborative Platform for Educational Materials in Medicine |
Angel Herraez M. Vejražka |
9:45-11:05 |
Meet the Expert I and II (Participants will attend both of 40 min. groups) |
TBL Ferhan Sagin |
e-Resources Angel Herraez |
11:05-11:30 Coffee Break
Session 3 Panel-Designing Practicals
Chairs: …….
11:30-12:15 |
Designing Practicals - wet, dry and in silico” |
Jerka Dumic Keith Elliott Gül Güner Akdogan |
12:15-12:30 12:30-12:45 12:45-13:00 13:00-13:15
Session 4 |
Panel Discussion The Applying of the Situational Analysis Method in the Teaching the Clinical Biochemistry Visibility in the Teaching of Biological Chemistry as an Instrument of Effective Pedagogy Activity in Kiev branch of Junior Academy of Sciences of Ukraine Lunch
Plenary Conference |
N.M. Inshyna
Z.M. Skorobogatova
V.I. Nazarenko
14:30-15:15 |
PhD Training |
Gül Güner Akdogan |
Session 5 Career Skills
Chairs: ……..
15:15-15:35 15:35-15:55 15:55-16:15 16:15-17:15 |
Tips for Success for PhD Students and Post-Docs Producing your CV and Applying for Fellowships How to Write a Scientific Paper Meet the Expert I & II (Participants will choose 2 groups of each 30 min.) |
Beata Vertessy Keith Elliott Ferhan Sagin
Tips Beata Vertessy |
Scientific Paper Ferhan Sagin |
CV & Fellowships Keith Elliott |
17:15-17:30 |
Feedback and Closing Ferhan Sagin |
This workshop is jointly sponsored by FEBS Education Committee and I. Horbachevsky Ternopil National Medical University Please register at https://forms.gle/S9Cqcjw2qHUXZUoA9 |